Whether you're mapping changing landscapes, monitoring vanishing natural resources and biological diversity, assessing disasters and coastal erosion, finding a suitable location for public facilities such as schools, dump sites, hospitals and industrial estates, or managing emergency services, transport and utility lines, all require geographic dimensions.
GDS consultants have over 50 years of field experience in the applications of geospatial technologies in forestry, natural resource management, biodiversity, ecosystem science, disaster risk mapping and other environmental studies.

Environmental Consulting

Mapping & Cartography
GIS Consulting
GDS provides a range of mapping services designed to collect spatial data in the field, create new maps or update existing ones. Our services include Topographic Mapping, Map Updating and Review, Asset Mapping, and Point of Interest Mapping.
We produce different kinds of professional-quality digital and hardcopy maps to meet the different project and decision-making needs of our clients. Our maps can be customized to incorporate client’s specific data and information. We also produce specialty maps for Tourism, Land Use/Land Cover, Flood Risk, Disaster Vulnerability, Utility Assets and Waste Management.
For clients wishing to develop GIS capabilities, we offer technical consulting services, including system requirements analysis, system design specification and installation. Other technical services include customized training in GIS (QGIS and ESRI ArcGIS) software, and on-site staffing.
Our GIS consulting services include:
GIS capacity needs assessment and acquisition
GIS project design, development, and implementation
Spatial database design, development and maintenance
Data conversion and management
Customized training in GIS, GPS and Remote Sensing